Library Resources
The Incarnate Word Academy Library Program responds to our rapidly changing world of information–the many available options, the skills required to evaluate them, and the importance of using them responsibly. Through a wide variety of projects and experiences, an IWA student is well prepared for college-level research.
Whether an IWA student is searching for background information for a research project or gathering data for a presentation, she has access to an outstanding online reference and electronic database collections including: 42 databases, 17,000 hardbound books, 100,000 e-books, 20 periodicals (magazines) and newspaper subscriptions, and 26 networked computers. The goal of the library is to offer a comfortable, inviting place for students to study, collaborate, and relax.
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- General Reference
- United States History
- World History
- Science & Health
- Literature
- News
- Archived News
- Spanish
- Additional Databases